Coats Announces Committee Assignments


Date: Jan. 27, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today announced that he has been selected to serve on four Senate committees: Appropriations, Select Intelligence, Energy and Natural Resources and the Joint Economic Committee (JEC.)

On the JEC and Senate Appropriations Committee, Coats will have the opportunity to push for spending cuts and fiscal restraint.

"Spending in Washington is beyond its limits," said Coats. "It took nearly 200 years for our country to reach one trillion dollars in debt, and now we have surpassed $14 trillion, $3 trillion of which has occurred in just the last two years. Our country's current fiscal path is unsustainable with serious negative economic consequences. Hoosiers want Congress to take immediate action. I am committed to ending the days of excessive borrowing and spending in Washington."

Coats will return to the Senate Intelligence Committee, where he served during his previous term.

"I look forward to working with our commander-in-chief and intelligence community to strengthen our national security and protect Americans from terrorist threats," added Coats.

As a member of the Senate Energy Committee, Coats will work on ways to reduce America's dependency on foreign oil and prevent harmful regulations like "cap and trade" from passing.

"We need a comprehensive energy plan that increases our domestic energy supply, lowers costs, and creates more American jobs," said Coats.

Senator Coats will serve on these committees throughout the 112th Congress.
